"Know thyself, because when you have awareness you have choice, and when you have choice you have freedom, and access to well-being"'- Inna Segal


Transformational coaching works with all aspects of the self; mental, emotional, physical and energetic. Understanding the incredible wisdom we have access to through the feedback from our physical bodies further enhances our ability to facilitate healing and transformation.


Our bodies are powerful intuitive vessels that are constantly communicating with us. Through every day sensations, dis-ease and dis-harmony, our bodies provide powerful messages and valuable information. By listening to these messages, to the wisdom and language of our bodies we can raise our awareness and the awareness of our clients, leading to sustainable changes in our personal and professional lives.


In our coach training, the integration of heart, mind, body and soul is of paramount importance within the practicing coach in order that the coach may facilitate such integration within their clients. Coaches in particular need to be aware and accepting of their own relationship with self in order to develop the emotional intelligence required to be effective in coaching others. Our training programmes focus on your growth and alignment through experiential learning and robust self reflection.


This year long programme leads to coaching certification with True Northe Coaching Academy and introduces pioneering tools and techniques for accessing the wisdom of the physical body; through association with Haelan Therapy.  It’s a programme of skills training and personal development which has historically been accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) and is currently accredited by The Association for Coaching (AC), enabling students to become AC Accredited Coaches with the necessary experience, CPD and Supervision.


Successful completion of this programme leads to certification as a 'Transformational Body Wisdom Coach' and may result in an invitation to practice under the supervision and guidance of the provider. Sarah Ilaria Northe’s training has been run successfully for 15 years within both the public and private sector.


Applications are now being taken for the next open programme starting in September 2021, details listed below. 


This accredited coaching programme can also be run within your organisation and tailored to your individual needs.




This programme offers a unique approach to facilitating transformation through a holistic coaching approach and directly accessing the wisdom of the physical body. Whilst there are numerous offerings of coach training in the current market place this training is ideal for wellbeing professionals who wish to integrate the skills of transformational coaching into their current practice.


The information below is designed to help you decide if our programme is the right one for you and we would be very happy to discuss this further.


Please be aware that in the design and delivery of our coaching programmes we strive to ensure best practice whilst offering a flexible approach to the needs of programme participants.


We are guided by the global code of ethics provided by the European Coaching and Mentoring Council & The Association for Coaching and promote the importance of continuing professional development and supervised practice.

Within this training programme you will find:

  • An in-depth psychological approach to coaching
  • A range of theories and processes
  • Regular coach practice sessions with feedback from course tutors and fellow participants
  • Over 90 hours of facilitated experiential learning
  • Self-managed learning sets
  • Requirement to build up a minimum of 12 sessions of coaching practice in between workshops
  • Supervision of practice
  • 1:1 support from course tutors
  • Professionally accredited qualification
  • A coaching approach based on the development of emotional intelligence and understanding of the physical and energetic body
  • Strong focus on the personal development of the coach

"Listen deeply to your own innate wisdom and hear the truth that will set you free." Sarah Ilaria Northe


We will give you the theory of coach training; however, this alone will not make you an effective coach. Coaching, after all, is a practical activity and any coach training of value must be grounded in sound professional practice. Much of our focus will be on your development as a coach through experiential learning, practice and feedback. During each module you will take part in experiential groupwork and be given the opportunity to experience the roles of coach, client and observer. These sessions will facilitate both your skills development and personal growth.


The personal development of the coach is an element of training often overlooked and this can result in poor practice. We believe that the coach needs a high level of awareness and commitment to work through their own issues in order to operate with the emotional intelligence required to be effective in coaching others. On our coaching programmes you will be challenged to address your own developmental needs in a safe and supportive environment. In line with this we are firm advocates of coaching supervision as essential to good professional practice and offer this during the programme.


We believe in a holistic approach to coaching because invariably coaching issues are grounded in the cognitive, emotional, physical and energetic. It is common for the presenting issue to be a symptom of the client’s existing patterns and belief systems and energetic imprints. Without addressing all dimensions it is likely that the client will find that they are unable to sustain behavioural change. As part of our training we give participants the tools to explore the client’s inner world and energetic system using the wisom of the body, therefore facilitating greater understanding and lasting change.


Alongside tutoring on our programmes the training team continues to work directly with clients, always developing our own knowledge and skills and drawing on our own experience to enhance our teaching.


Essentially this programme will meet the needs of anyone wishing to effectively facilitate the growth and behaviour change of others through accessing the innate wisdom of the body.


This may be through working as a coach, a massage therapist, a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a healer, a yoga teacher, a mental health practitioner, wellbeing professional or any other context where you are interested in developing others, working with the physical body and taking a holistic approach.


If you want a thorough grounding in coaching methodology, to develop your coaching skills and grow on a personal level then this programme is right for you. We will always meet with you prior to the programme to ensure that your commitment and the programme are in alignment.

Regenerate through the illumination of pure body wisdom


This programme will be provided via:

  • Monthly facilitated modules
  • Pre and post session reading and research
  • Self-facilitated learning groups
  • Personal coaching
  • Supervision
  • Assessment requirements


This provides in excess of 90 guided learning hours.


Course Content Includes

  • Purpose of coaching: Exploring the benefits of coaching and potential transformation of the client.
  • Coaching models and theories: Drawing on a wide range of tools and concepts to facilitate growth and change.
  • Creating the coaching relationship: Building rapport and creating a safe environment that enables challenge, learning and insight.
  • Managing the coaching relationship: Contracting, holding boundaries, considering ethics and maintaining good practice.
  • Coaching competencies and skills: Deep listening, effective questioning, creating connection, contracting and managing process.
  • Key dimensions of a coaching session: Going beyond the client’s content and uncovering the inner game.
  • Psychological approaches to coaching: Exploring psychological concepts relevant to coaching such as Neuro Linguistic Programming and drawing on thinking from a range of therapies.
  • Self-awareness and use of self; Coaching Assessment, participants will be assessed on their coaching skills during an observed coaching session at the end of the programme.ecoming aware of one’s own internal processes as a source of information and material for intervention.
  • Understanding the communication of the physical and energetic body.
  • Tools to facilitate connection and conversation with the physical body.
  • Learning to facilitate the language of the body and its integration into your coaching practice.
  • Understanding your relationship wtih your body to sustain your emotional and physical wellbeing and enhance your coaching practice.
  • Integrating the Body Wisdom Client and Practitioner Processes to honour, respect and understand the conversations between the bodies, thus creating a powerful and unique coaching practice.
  • Practice and skills development: Skills practice within modules and regular coaching between workshops.



Assessment for certification consists of:

  • A reflective journal which participants will complete throughout the programme, providing a record of personal development, coaching practice and reflection on practice.
  • Coaching Sessions, participants are required to complete a minimum of 12 sessions of coaching practice with a number of clients.


Assessed coaching practice; participants will be observed throughout the programme and receive feedback on their coaching skills. In addition there will be an observed coaching session at the end of the programme to demonstrate competency to practice.



The next open programme will begin in September 2023:


Month 1                              13th & 14th September

Month 2                              11th & 12th October

Month 3                              8th & 9th November

Month 4                              6th & 7th December

Month 5                              10th & 11th January 2024

Month 6                              6th & 7th February

Month 7                              6th & 7th March

Month 8                              17th & 18th  April

Month 9-11                         Completion of practice and written assignments

Graduation                         July 2024 (tbc)


Further Information

This programme will take place in Hitchin, Hertfordshire and the modules will run from 10am to 4.30pm.



The full investment for the programme is £5555. This cost includes personal coaching sessions.


Payment plans are available and monthly payments carry a surcharge of 5%.


This is a comprehensive training programme offering excellent value for money with a successful track record and a thorough approach to the theory and practice of transformational coaching integrated with body wisdom. Past participants regularly report that they have found the programme a unique and life-changing experience and the quality of the programme has been recognised as leading edge within the coaching community.


Please contact us now to join our open programme or discuss the opportunity to run the training within your own organisation.

