Discover an approach to team development that addresses the subtle but powerful dynamics of groups and what it means to be a transformational leader.
Illuminate the emotional and psychological world of the collective in order to align all team members in one common purpose. This will enable you and your people to be more fully yourselves; at work, in your relationships and in your life.
To be effective teams need sure leadership, robust relationships, correct alignment, a common purpose and honest communication. These things are not easy to achieve and the majority of training and development will skim the surface, avoiding difficult conversations, uncomfortable dynamics and dysfunctional behaviours in favour of the ‘safer’ topics of process and procedures and roles and responsibilities.
Failure to address ‘the elephant in the room’ or a reluctance to deal with conflict and emotions and what’s really going on, results in a lack of change and de-motivated staff. Investing in this kind of development for yourself, your organisation, your teams and your leaders will result in impressive and unexpected outcomes. The greatest assets you have are yourself and your people; growing your people means growing your business.
If you are ready to realise your potential and the vast potential of your staff you may be ready to try something new. Engaging in this work will be a challenge that will bring rewards directly in proportion to the risks you are willing to take. Highly skilled facilitation and innovative experiential training enables individuals and teams to develop in ways that have not been possible with more traditional approaches to development. Creating sure and credible leaders, high performing teams and effective coaching cultures.
Click below to book a discovery call and discuss the needs of your team
Developing you as a leader means supporting and challenging you to find your own unique voice, to re-discover the truth of who you are, what’s important to you and your personal purpose.
It means ensuring that you take responsibility for what you are creating and lead by example not position. Sure and credible leadership empowers and inspires, enabling others to learn and grow as they make mistakes and go beyond their assumed limitations.
If you want people to follow you, then you need to be you – not an imitation of you created with the aim of being ‘acceptable’, not a version of you that has been carefully crafted for public consumption; but all of you. That unique, imperfect, incredible you who is worth following. The point is to be more like yourself, not more like anyone else.
Compassionate, courageous and creative leadership of our own lives, our families, our teams and our organisations comes from the ability to listen to and act upon our inner knowing. We are unable to experience peace and joy in our lives when we are out of alignment and dis-connected from ourselves and others.
Transformational leadership coaching will stretch you, it will challenge and support you to live your truth. Experiential learning which utilises the power of the group and can include equine facilitated learning will also help you to see yourself as others do. You will receive value added feedback to illuminate your blind spots and increase your self-knowledge.
With greater understanding of yourself you will gain increased understanding of others- understanding which is essential to effective leadership.
Click below to book a discovery call and explore your leadership requirements.

The impact of Sarah's coaching is transformational, life-changing, sustainable and consistently exceeds expectations.' ~ Anna Frearson- Public Health Consultant
I have commissioned numerous coaches and staff development professionals in the past- when it comes to coaching I can say without a doubt that Sarah is the best by far. ~ Kim Shutler-Jones - CEO Cellar Trust
I am consistently awed by Sarah's skill in reaching the root causes of issues, the speed at which she uncovers these and the way in which she then supports me to find solutions and put into practice an achievable and sustainable plan to move forward. The true impact of Sarah’s work is a gift that money can’t buy. ~ Vicky Hayhurst- Director- Revolution Viewing